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All about our Chapel windows

The stained glass windows in the Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes in the IHM Center were created by Baut Studios, Inc. of Forty Fort, PA in 1961 and designed by John F. Love of Baut Studios. Painting by Eugene R. Baut. Color selection by S.H. Baut.
All glasses are mouth-blown antique glasses from various glass plants. All glass paint was fired at about 1230° fahrenheit.
Subjects of the screens and symbols are of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
#1: Immaculate Heart of Mary

The large symbol at the upper center of the window is the great seal of the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Directly below is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On the left and right are Father Louis Florent Gillet and Mother Theresa Maxis, founders of the IHM Congregation. The log cabin depicts the humble beginnings of the Congregation. Below that can be found the golden city. The symbol directly below Pope John XXIII, that of the serpent entwining the world, suggests sin encircling the earth.
#2: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple

The top center of the panel is the older symbol of the pierced heart with wings which relates to the prophecy of the aged Simeon, “… and you your-self shall be pierced with a sword – so that the thoughts of many hearts may be laid bare.” (Luke 2:35) The large center grouping shows Mary being presented in the Temple by her parents, Sts. Joachim and Ann. In the upper right is pictured the marriage of the parents of Mary. The snowdrop below, symbolizes Our Lady and in the upper portion to the left, is St. Ann teaching Mary. Below is a stylized lily, the fleur-de-lis, another Marian symbol.
#3: The Nativity

The main portion of this panel is the traditional Nativity scene, with the Star of Bethlehem at the top center. Below the Three Kings can be seen the Glastonbury Thorn which according to legend bloomed from the staff of Joseph of Arimethea and which is said to break into bloom on Christmas Day. The Christmas Rose and the daisy, symbols of the innocence of Christ, are at the bottom.
#4: Queen of Heaven

Below the figure of the hand of God, Mary, flanked by angels, is enthroned as Queen of Heaven. The upper right hand figure recalls a little known legend which claims to be Mary presenting a mystic cincture to St. Thomas. Below this is the “Madonna Lily,” a symbol of virginity and purity and so also, a symbol of the Immaculate Conception. To the right is seen the Monogram of Mary under the depiction of her coronation. The Christmas Rose is below and to the right.
#5: St. Teresa of Avila

The upper portion of this window shows the Holy Spirit (Dove) who guided the acts of Teresa of Avila. In the large center scene is the great saint kneeling as an angel pierces her heart and fills it with divine love. Below the figure of Christ is the cross and to the right of the cross, writings of St. Teresa. In the upper left section is St. Teresa engaged in writing her inspired works. Below this scene is the heart inscribed with I.H.S. (a symbol of Christ). The upper right hand depicts a legend, which says that Mary presented the rosary to Teresa.
#6: St. Alphonsus

A large symbol at the top center indicates Holy Orders. Directly below we see St. Alphonsus flanked by two angels who are placing a wreath of laurel leaves on his head. The chalice, host, book and stole symbolize the various ministries of St. Alphonsus. At the upper left, in the right hand section is Pope Benedict XIV approving St. Alphonsus’ book on Moral Theology. The cross and the ship with the Chi Rho (Christ) recall the Bark of Peter. The upper right hand section depicts the preaching ministry of the Redemptorists, the congregation founded by St. Alphonsus.
#7: Queen of the Apostles

The large center panel contains lilies surrounded by twelve stars representing Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles. The upper left hand figure shows an IHM sister instructing children while on the other side, Christ is teaching the children. The crown and moon, along the bottom are Marian symbols.
#8: The Annunciation

In the center the Christ Child indicates what is to come. Below, the angel Gabriel says to Mary, “Hail, Mary, full of grace.” The Holy Spirit can be seen descending upon her and the lilies mark Mary’s purity. The IHM congregation was founded in 1845, a few years before the promulgation of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. Mary, under this title, is depicted in the upper left area. In the upper right is shown Mary’s visit to her cousin, Elizabeth.
#9: Christ Knocking at the Door

This window is filled with symbols from Sacred Scripture. In the center Christ is seen as the Light and the Way. The door can only be opened from the inside. Tradition has it that Christ knocks on the door of the soul, then waits for the individual to respond. The upper left shows the parable of the rich young man. One of the earliest symbols of the Christ is the fish. This symbol may be related to the call of the apostles: “I will make you fishers of persons.” The golden ladder reaching into heaven recalls the vision of Jacob, and the upper right hand portion depicts the parable of the five wise virgins. In the lower right hand corner is an owl, traditionally a symbol of wisdom.
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:20
#10: Sacred Heart

Below the center symbol of the Holy City are figures depicting the apparition of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. In the left hand sector of the window Christ is symbolized as King, Alpha and Omega (beginning and end). Symbols of the Passion represent the infinite love of the Savior, and the Christogram depicts Jesus’ victory over death.