Come to a Place of Beauty, Peace, and Prayer

As part of our IHM hospitality, we invite you to come apart and rest awhile and to grow in friendship and union with God. Our hermitages are available for anyone desiring a place for solitude and deep prayer.
We offer the use of our hermitages, situated in an area of beauty, quiet and safety. Named for the founder of our community, we provide the Theresa Maxis Hermitages on the grounds of the IHM Center in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Theresa Maxis Hermitages
For reservations or information, including room rates, directions, and more, contact Sister Kate Clancy.
Each unit is comfortably furnished, heated/air conditioned and equipped with a bath, kitchenette (stove, toaster oven, microwave, coffee maker and refrigerator) and twin bed. Bed linens and towels are provided.

Meals are not provided for retreatants. However, each hermitage is equipped with a small kitchen that allows those on retreat to prepare their own meals in solitude.
Please be aware that transportation is not provided during your stay.
Eucharist is celebrated daily at the IHM Center chapel as well as on the Marywood University campus, adjacent to the Theresa Maxis Hermitages.