

Congregation Leadership Team Members : Sisters Susan Armbruster (Councilor), Terri Jordan (Vice President,) Katie Clauss (President), Grace Surdovel (Councilor) and Judy O’Brien (Councilor).

Congregation Leadership

The congregation leadership consists of the president and the councilors.  One councilor serves as vice president.

Congregation leadership is responsible for:

  • promoting the unity, growth, life, and development of the congregation;
  • ensuring that the effectiveness of the charism and mission of the congregation is articulated in a clear and compelling way;
  • ensuring the implementation of the enactments of the General Chapter;
  • attending to the legal and corporate functions proper to the congregation and its sponsored works;
  • engaging in long-range strategic planning for the congregation;
  • overseeing the development and implementation of congregation policies and guidelines;
  • overseeing the administration of the congregational financial resources;
  • periodically rendering to members an account of the status of the congregation and of their stewardship.

(The Constitutions of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, PA 2024)

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