Social Services
As Scranton IHM Sisters, we work to meet the most fundamental needs of God’s people through our ministries of service to those most vulnerable in our global society.
Responding to the call of our Core Values of Rootedness in God, Community, Justice, Respect for Diversity and Wholeness we meet those most in need at the intersection of struggle and possibility in order to assist them in moving beyond their current challenges and towards a future of hope.
One glowing example of our work with those most in need is the ministry of Friends of the Poor in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1986 by Sister Adrian Barrett, IHM, Friends of the Poor has grown and expanded its services to include food, clothing, furniture and now, in collaboration with the Catherine McCauley Center of Scranton, Pennsylvania, housing assistance.
Over our 180 years of service to God’s children, social service ministry has played a key role in our lives of joyful, loving service to the people of God.