
What We Believe

Sister Rachel Terry and friend

As vowed women religious in service to the Church and people of God, we are steeped in the gospels, our charism and core values. We believe in the inherent beauty and dignity of all God’s creation and strive to meet the needs of all persons, especially those struggling on the margins of society.

IHM Direction Statement 2022-2026

IHM Direction Statement 2022-2026

Journeying together in co-creating our ever-evolving future, we will intentionally engage in actions that reflect God’s unconditional love for all creation and the transformation of the world.

Let this be the time we commit to:

  • Embracing courageously the Paschal mystery…
  • Being a mystical presence in the world…
  • Living boldly the call to discipleship…
  • Engaging in the evolving relationships among ourselves and with the global community…
  • Accepting the consequences of letting go… for…
  • Fostering mutuality and accountability for visioning…
  • Planning for the future, through contemplative dialogue and communal discernment, recognizing the urgency of the present moment…

Let this be the time to cross the thresholds before us.

Our Charism

In the passionate spirit of Saint Alphonsus Liguori,
we joyfully participate in the
redeeming love of Jesus
which impels us to proclaim the Good News
of God’s unconditional love for all.
We embrace Mary, the first disciple,
as our model of a life rooted in God.

Charism of the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Our Core Values

We, the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, Pennsylvania, vowed women in an apostolic religious congregation of pontifical right, rejoice in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ and commit ourselves to share in his redeeming mission. We reclaim and confirm the core values that impel and permeate our participation in that mission:

Rootedness in God

Embracing a spirituality of discipleship and intimacy with God nourished and sustained by Eucharist.


Choosing radical interdependence to enflesh and further the mission of Jesus in the world.


Standing with, defending, and empowering those who are denied full human dignity.

Respect for Diversity

Welcoming unconditionally the varied gifts of God throughout all creation.


Integrating a rhythm of life that includes all dimensions of the self.