Friends of the Poor

The mission of Friends of the Poor is to ease the burden of living in poverty and enhance the quality of life for all who live in low-to moderate- income communities. Founded by Sister Adrian Barrett, IHM in 1986 and sponsored by the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, PA, the ministry brings together in friendship those who have the desire to give with those in need of assistance. Friends of the Poor is a non-profit charitable organization. The current CEO is Meghan Loftus.
Friends of the Poor manages pantries offering food, clothing and household items at the following locations:
Jackson Terrace
Valley View Terrace

Donated clothing and household goods are accepted at both location.
Friends of the Poor coordinates a Furniture Bank. Donations of furniture are received and sorted and made available for distribution. Those in need of furniture may call either pantry.
Friends of the Poor sponsors seasonal activities for senior citizens, adults, families and children. Holiday Dinners, Food Baskets for Families, and recreational, educational and historic Field Trips for children are offered throughout the year.
Since 1984, Scranton Housing Authority has graciously provided office and pantry space enabling Friends of the Poor to offer its service in close proximity to where many people reside. Friends of the Poor is totally staffed by volunteers and relies private charity to continue this important ministry. Volunteer opportunities are always available.