We proclaim the Good News of God’s unconditional love for all and embrace Mary, the first disciple, as our model of a life rooted in God.
Wound Care: A Peace and Justice Perspective
In our work for a more just and inclusive world, may we listen with the ear of the Holy One so that we may truly hear the cries of our world.
Balance and Peace
The Paschal Mystery reminds us that living, dying, and rising are all part of our life experience. We learn from Jesus that new life can come from death, that we can find meaning in tough times, that there really is light in the darkness.
Stress, Grief, and Gratitude: Lessons from the Pandemic
The pandemic has reminded us that we are in the hands of a God who loves us, with less control than we imagine.
One thing I do to stay emotionally healthy is…
Answers from IHM Sisters and IHM Associates.
Tips for Living Emotionally Well
Tip #1 “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life.” Luke 12:22 As in so many of life’s ways, I believe that Jesus sets us on a path, offering tips, if you will, for keeping ourselves emotionally well.…
Emotional Well-Being as We Age
Maintaining our emotional health as we age is not one size fits all. Our emotional needs will vary at different times as we age. Being aware of the complexity of our emotional health and appraising the facets of our life which impact it, are the roadmaps to feeling good and enjoying
All about our Chapel windows
The stained glass windows in the Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes in the IHM Center are mouth-blown antique glasses from various glass plants. Subjects of the screens and symbols are of the Blessed Virgin Mary.