We proclaim the Good News of God’s unconditional love for all and embrace Mary, the first disciple, as our model of a life rooted in God.
Green burials and our faith
The practice of green burial is completely consistent with the Catholic faith and its tradition of burying the dead.
“Heart Immaculate”: A beloved hymn
"Heart Immaculate, Heart so sweet, Diffusing love with ev'ry beat, Lead us to Love!"
“Let Peace and Justice Flow Like a River.”
On the eve of September 1, 2023 IHM Sisters and friends gathered in the Friendship Garden to celebrate the beginning of the Season of Creation—September 1 to October 4.
Encountering God on the Journey
Thousands of migrants continue to leave their countries in search of a better quality of life for their families. On that journey, they experience the need to be filled and nourished by God and they discover the strength that allows them to continue on their way.
Holy Week Services at the Border
It is truly a privilege to accompany our migrant brothers and sisters in McAllen, Texas and Reynosa, Mexico.
IHM Associates Help Celebrate Holy Week
Way of the Cross Wednesday of Holy Week at 5:30 a.m. a crowd of young people, residents of the IHM House of Studies, some IHM Associates and parishioners met at the Sisters’ house to begin the Way of the Cross. The journey throughout the…
Strangers no more… Beloved… Blessed
"I have called you by name; you are mine." -Isaiah 43:1
The Gifts of Vulnerability
What have I learned here? Two of the greatest gifts, patience and surrender, both showed up in full bloom to help me keep moving forward.
Called to Mystical Vulnerability
Authentic intimacy and suffering demand the embrace of powerlessness and vulnerability.
Being Human
How do you respond to persons with disabilities when you see them anywhere? The answer to that question is simple: do what you would want done to you.