We proclaim the Good News of God’s unconditional love for all and embrace Mary, the first disciple, as our model of a life rooted in God.
Connections Between Intimacy and Vulnerability
To the extent to which we try to be authentic, to that extent we hold ourselves open to our loving God, and to the companionship of those around us. We do not go to God alone.
The Sacrament of Vulnerability
Expressions of apology, forgiveness, gratitude lead to another level of relationship, important for continued growth personally, socially, spiritually. It is a healthy process to do a daily review of my actions, especially in my relationships with other people.... An examen of consciousness can reflectively provide insight into myself and others, along with behavior changes to improve relationships with other people and between God and myself.
Vulnerability and Tenderness
Truthfully, we are vulnerable at every stage of life, especially during often lonely periods of significant personal losses. What a gift and a need it is to cultivate adult friends whose thoughtful presence shapes our wellbeing, and uplifts our spirits. Trusted companions keep delight in our lives and soften the hurt in our hearts.
The Center Still Holds: Vulnerability, Courage, Compassion
Courage is the ability to come through something that has frighted us, and out of that pain and grief, to discover a strength we never realized we have.
Vulnerability: The Journey to Wholeness
Vulnerability is not reserved for the leader. It is a mutual condition that is embraced if lifting the group toward wholeness is the goal.
Touchstones: A Peace and Justice Perspective
The questions remain: How will we move forward now, living lives of compassion and peace and inclusion? How will we create with our lives a field of healing presence for our beautiful yet wounded world?
Being a Mystical Presence in the World
We can access this great experience of God’s love through faithfulness to simple practices, ever ancient, ever new: silence, prayer, meditation, contemplation, adoration.
What table flipping needs to be done today?
Let this be the time to cross the thresholds before us.
Walking on the Two Feet of Love
It is my conviction that as the future of religious life emerges, we, sisters cannot cease from witnessing to the Reign of God with imagination, fresh thinking and hope, aware that “any attempt to practice the same spirituality as Jesus would entail learning to speak out boldly as he did—and face the consequences.”
Dealing with Anger
How do we express our anger in
healthy ways, and most importantly, how
do we allow others to express their anger
without feeling intimidated or personally