We serve God’s people in a variety of ministries, living and working lovingly among all persons.

Sister M. Alphonsa Concilio, IHM
Out of all of Sister Alphonsa's talents, the one quality she hopes she’s remembered for is “being kind.”

On the Top of the Andes Mountains
Update from the Andes Mountains in Peru.

Sisters Sarah Holmes & Marilyn Muro, IHM
Sisters, friends and Montessori school teachers

IHMs Observe Centennial of Diocese of Raleigh
Centennial Sunday, which was held November 17, was organized to unite the faithful through a common prayer of thanksgiving and common intercessions for 100 years ofthe Diocese of Raleigh. The celebration stretched across the diocese, through every parish and mission,…

Celebrating our IHM Founding 179 Years Ago
"Today we journey back into the lives of our founders, the brave hearts of Sister Theresa Maxis Duchemin and Father Louis Florent Gillet. "

Sister Joan Paskert, IHM
To Sister Joan, teaching piano is challenging and exciting, and it is her greatest joy to share with everyone.

IHM Sister Honored for 55 Years of Teaching
Sister Doreen Willis, IHM, was recently honored for her 55 years years of service as a Catholic school teacher.

The Power of Yes
A New York family travels to Sicuani for a service project.

Sister Jeanne Marie McAuliffe, IHM
Jeanne spent 46 years as a primary teacher rotating between 1st and 2nd grade - teaching “kindness, gentleness and respect.”

A Woman Ahead of Her Time
Archives spotlight about our Sister Rebecca Bean, who served as a nurse and pharmacist.