The Oblate Sisters of Providence of Baltimore, Maryland and the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Monroe, Michigan, Immaculata and Scranton, Pennsylvania, have come together to celebrate their common consecration, to remember their common roots, and to reaffirm the unanimity of the shared threads of their charism expressed in the uniqueness and diversity of the four Congregations. Learn more about the OSP IHM collaboration.

OSP/IHM: Gathering and Planning
The leadership teams from the Oblates of Providence, Monroe, Immaculata and Scranton IHM Congregations gathered at the IHM Center from September 22-25 as part of the annual OSP/IHM Governing Board meeting. Along with the annual board meeting, the leadership teams…

IHM and OSP Sisters Attend Installation Mass
IHM and OSP Sisters Attend Installation Mass at Villa Maria House of Studies in Malvern, PA

IHM Leaders Visit the OSP-IHM Border Community
“We come together here in this moment of our OSP/IHM history to ask for the blessing of God upon our response to the refugee crisis at the Texas/Mexican border.”