We can be found caring for the infirm in nursing facilities, hospitals, facilities for physically and emotionally challenged adults and children, and counseling and rehabilitation facilities.

A Woman Ahead of Her Time
Archives spotlight about our Sister Rebecca Bean, who served as a nurse and pharmacist.

Green burials and our faith
The practice of green burial is completely consistent with the Catholic faith and its tradition of burying the dead.

Sister Carrie Elizabeth Flood, IHM: “Whatsoever you do”
After I graduated from college I decided to do some volunteer work until I figured out what to do with my life. As luck and God would have it, I wound up living with the IHM Sisters in Scranton and volunteering as a nurses' aide in their home for retired sisters.

Stress, Grief, and Gratitude: Lessons from the Pandemic
The pandemic has reminded us that we are in the hands of a God who loves us, with less control than we imagine.