Sister Stories
Sister Jeanne Marie McAuliffe, IHM
“…to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.” -Micah

Jeanne Marie McAuliffe was born in Susquehanna, PA – the initial home to Pennsylvania IHMs and the home of many IHM vocations. She’s the third of four children of Tom McAuliffe and Katie Barechio.
Her school years were spent with IHMs both at St. John’s Elementary School and Laurel Hill Academy (one floor up).
Jeanne entered in September of 1964 at the end of Vatican II. She was in the first band to be professed wearing the new habit. Vatican II completely overhauled religious formation programs. Many women were re-thinking their vocation commitments and there was a substantial exodus of congregation members. Jeanne’s band had 50 members at entrance and at her 25th jubilee there were 18! Being a part of such transition times seems to have given Jeanne’s band a deeper bond. For years now, through the initiative of a core group of present and former members, regular reunions occur. So, it’s not surprising that Jeanne wanted to include here a “Happy 60th Anniversary of Entrance” to them all.

Jeanne spent 46 years as a primary teacher rotating between 1st and 2nd grade – teaching “kindness, gentleness and respect.” She began her days either greeting students at the classroom or (if on duty) the school door. Her smile was their first encounter with IHM hospitality. Often, I suspect, we don’t realize how challenging teaching first grade can be. For many students, this is the time when they recognize the patterns – not just of the various subjects – but of multiple types of relationships. In our Catholic School tradition, this is a time of faith formation and preparation for receiving the sacraments and how faith shapes relationships with others and with the earth. Most difficult of all is the path between teacher, guidance counselor and disciplinarian – but not parent. Jeanne describes teaching 1st grade: “it’s like dancing on a desk all day long!”
Jeanne had the great good fortune to be assigned to Holy Rosary School in Scranton twice (1970-1978 and 1996-2007). Yes, it’s true! Jeanne had the unique kind of closure of telling her students “I taught your Mother/Father in 2nd grade!”
In 2008, Jeanne, then at All Saints Academy, transitioned from the classroom to being the school librarian and a support staff member – AKA “a roaming 1st grade teacher!”
In 2015, Jeanne went to work for the IHM Development Office, a ministry she continues even to this day. This work has allowed Jeanne to discover the many ways IHMs are supported by our benefactors and, for that, she gives thanks.
Starting in 2016, Jeanne has been serving weekday mornings as the OLP receptionist. “What goes around comes around!” Once again, Jeanne is at the front door – the face of IHM hospitality! In a way, it seems more than fitting that the IHM retirement home has a first grade teacher as the public face of IHM! If you call the front desk, Jeanne checks the incoming call info and always addresses you by name. If you arrive and you’re a stranger, she asks, “How can I help you?” She can automatically sense if this is a time to ask, “Is everything ok?” In short, Jeanne’s gift is that she knows how to “pay attention” and she has her own “1st grade teacher’s toolkit” with multiple options on the wise way to respond.
Jeanne’s life has also been blest because she’s “seen heaven” AKA “Seaside Heights, NJ.”