
In Memory

Sister M. Lucretia Gilroy, IHM

May 18, 1887 – August 27, 1976

Sister M. Lucretia Gilroy, IHM of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for more than 71 years, died on Friday, August 27, 1976, at the Marian Convent in Scranton, Pennsylvania, after an illness.

She was born on May 18, 1887 in Scranton, PA, and was the daughter of the late Patrick and Mary Finnerty Gilroy. She entered the IHM Congregation on August 15, 1905, and made profession of her vows on July 16, 1908.

Sister Lucretia served on the faculty of the music department, from 1915 to 1969, at both Marywood Seminary and Marywood College, both located in Scranton, PA. Sister also served as the chairman of the music department, and was influential in establishing many outstanding music programs.

Sister Lucretia also served as Moderator of the St. Cecilia Music Society, and arranged for the marble statue of Our Blessed Lady, that stands in front of the Fine Arts Building, to be designed and executed by a famous Roman sculptor.

She earned a Bachelor of Music degree, and was an accomplished pianist.

She is preceded in death by four brothers, Patrick (who died in infancy), Francis Aloysius, Joseph Gerald and Patrick Joseph, and a sister, Alice Ryan.

She is survived by two sisters, Mary Murphy of Rosemont, PA, and Katherine Crane of Scranton, PA, and nieces and nephews.

The funeral will be Monday, August 30, at 9:30 a.m. in the Marian Convent Chapel. Interment will follow at St Catherine’s Cemetery in Moscow, PA. Friends may call on Sunday afternoon or evening. Pallbearers will be: Robert, Frank and William Gilroy; Gerald and Robert Ryan; Joseph Adcroft.

Memorial contributions may be made to support the retired IHM Sisters c/o the IHM Sisters Retirement Fund, IHM Center, 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18509.

Below is a eulogy from Sister M. Lucretia’s funeral:

Sister M. Lucretia Gilroy, IHM, was the first Chairperson of the Department of Music. She served on the faculty of the music department for more than half a century at both Marywood Seminary and Marywood College. In 1964 she was assigned to the Generalate and later to the Marian Convent, where she died in 1976. She sought and was responsible for all the approvals now enjoyed by the Department, including full approval in 1945 of the N.A.S.M., considered the highest in the United States. Under her guidance, Nicola A. Montani, K.C.S.S., was appointed to direct the Student Body Singing and to conduct the Marywood Singers and the Marywood Orchestra.

Through Bishop Hafey, Sister Lucretia was instrumental in gaining access to the theatre of the Masonic Temple for Commencements and Concerts. She arranged for the marble statue of Our Blessed Lady, in front of the Fine Arts Building, to be designed and executed by a famous Roman sculptor through the intercession of Archbishop Martin J. O’Connor and blessed at Castel Gondolfa by Pope Pius XII in the Marian Year. It is the only statue of its size in the United States to be blessed by Our Holy Father.

Sister Lucretia, during her entire period as Chairperson, served as Moderator of the St. Cecilia Music Society which included all B.M. majors. There was seldom a year that a religious vocation did not emerge from this group.

Through Sister Lucretia, the mural of St. Cecilia, Patroness of Music, in the Rotunda of the Liberal Arts Building was donated by Mrs. Justine Ward. During the summer of 1969, Sister Lucretia and Sister Maria Cecilia were guests of Mrs. Ward, living in her home in Solesmes where they had the privilege of hearing the Monks chanting the liturgy every day in their Chapel which was a short distance away.

Sister’s enthusiasm for Gregorian Chant was always evidence, particularly after the Encyclical of Pope Pius X on Church Music. Her training of the Novices is still appreciated by the retired Sisters at the Marian Convent; there they give an angelic rendition of liturgical hymns.

Below is the obituary that was published in the Scranton Times newspaper on Saturday, August 28 1976:

“Sr M Lucretia Gilroy, member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Order for more than 71 years, died Friday at the Marian Convent, Marywood, after an illness. Born in Scranton, daughter of the late Patrick & Mary Finnerty Gilroy, she enterd the IHM Congregation on 15 Aug 1905 and took her vows 16 Jul 1908. Sr Lucretia taught music for more than half a century at both Marywood Seminary and College. Chairman of the music department prior to retirement and influential in establishing many outstanding music programs. Survived by 2 sisters, Mrs Joseph Murphy of Rosemont, PA, and Mrs Allen Crane of Scranton; nieces & nephews. Funeral Mon from the Marian Convent; St Catherine’s Cemetery, Moscow. Mon 30 Aug 1976; PB: Robert, Frank & William Gilroy; Gerald & Robert Ryan; Joseph Adcroft.”

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