Sister M. Eugenia Kealy, IHM
November 5, 1881 – April 6, 1967
Sister M. Eugenia Kealy, IHM, Ph.D., of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary died on Thursday, April 6, 1967 at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Carbondale, Pennsylvania.
She was born on November 5, 1881 in Inkerman, Pennsylvania, and given the name Delia. She was the daughter of the late John and Mary Theresa Burke Kealy. She entered the IHM Congregation on May 8, 1902, received the religious habit on July 31, 1902, and made profession of her vows on August 2, 1904.
Sister Eugenia served as a teacher in the following schools: St. Patrick School in Scranton, PA, from 1903 to 1904; St. Paul School in Scranton, PA, from 1904 to 1905 and 1915 to 1927; Laurel Hill Academy in Susquehanna, PA, from 1905 to 1906; IHM Academy in Coeur d’ Alene, ID, from 1906 to 1907; St. Lawrence Parish School in Portland, OR, from 1907 to 1913; and All Saints School in Masontown, PA, from 1913 to 1915. She also served on the faculty at Marywood College in Scranton, PA, from 1930 to 1931.
Sister served as principal at the following schools: St. Paul School in Scranton, PA, from 1915 to 1927; St. John the Evangelist School in Pittston, PA, from 1931 to 1937; St. Alphonsus School in New York, NY, from 1940 to 1943; and Marywood Seminary in Scranton, PA, from 1943 to 1949. She also served as supervisor of schools for the IHM Congregation.
Sister Mary also served as the superior at both St. Mary’s Home in Hollidaysburg, PA, from 1937 to 1940 and at St. John’s Convent in Pittston, PA, from 1931 to 1937; councilor for the IHM Congregation in Scranton, PA, from 1943 to 1949; and the president of Marywood College in Scranton, PA, from 1949 to 1961.
From 1961 until the time of her death, Sister Eugenia served as a prayer minister at the Marian Convent.
In 1930, she earned a Ph.D. from Catholic University in Washington, DC.
She is preceded in death by four brothers, Patrick, John, Monsignor William P. Kealy, and Thomas, and four sisters, Margaret Farrell, Mary Moughan, Sister M. Evangela, OSF, and Sister Jane de Chantal, OSF.
She is survived by the members of the IHM Congregation.
Interment is at St. Catherine’s Cemetery in Moscow, Pennsylvania.
Memorial contributions may be made to support the retired IHM Sisters c/o the IHM Sisters Retirement Fund, IHM Center, 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18509.
Sister M. Eugenia, IHM, A Distinguished Educator
The death of Sister M. Eugenia, IHM, Ph.D., the former Miss Delia Kealy, marks the passing of a devout nun and distinguished educator who served her Divine Master through her religious community for 65 years.
A native of Inkerman, she was a member of a family that gave two other nuns, the second a member of the Immaculate Heart Order and the third a Franciscan, to the Roman Catholic Church as well as a priest, the Right Reverend Monsignor William R. (sic) Kealy, pastor of St. Patrick’s Church, Scranton, and former chancellor of the Diocese of Scranton. Sister Eugenia was the last of her immediate household.
A member of the first graduating class in classical studies at St. John the Evangelist parochial school in 1901, she launched her career as a member of the staff of the International Correspondence School at Scranton where she served briefly before she entered the novitiate of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart in 1902.
As a humble religious, dedicated principal and zealous superior, she served in schools across the broad expanse of America from New York to Idaho, but most of her work was done in Scranton and vicinity where she served as president of Marywood College, principal of Marywood Seminary, supervisor of schools for the order, and member of the Community Council, as well as in lesser capacities. Nothing perhaps gave her more personal satisfaction than the years she spent at St. John’s in Pittston as superior and principal.
Regarded as one of the country’s foremost educators and an outstanding daughter of Wyoming Valley, she leaves, among other monuments to her memory, four of Marywood’s finest buildings – Immaculata Hall, Rosary Hall, Science Hall, and the Fine Art Building, where the institution’s magnificent theatre is housed.
Thousands of students, as well as associates, will remember her for her warmth, understanding, sympathy, magnetism and modesty, as well as her ability and amazing memory which made it possible for her to recall the most minute details in the lives of those who came in contact with her for more than a half century. The confidence she inspired was matched only by the respect she commanded.
From Rutledge street in Jenkins Township where she was born to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Carbondale where she died is not so far, as the crow flies, but the fruitful journey took more than eight momentous decades to make. And it was worth every minute of the investment in time.
Above is an obituary published by the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader – The Evening News on Saturday, April 8, 1967, pg. 10
Eulogy prepared by Marywood College for Sr M. Eugenia:
Marywood College deservedly enjoys a prestigious position among the women’s colleges of the country and much of the credit for its attainment of its present high standing went to Sister M. Eugenia, I.H.M., Ph.D., who served as its president from 1949 to 1961. When she was called upon to assume the responsibilities of the presidency, she was well equipped through her experience as principal and supervisor of a number of schools and school systems operated by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
A native of Inkerman and a graduate of Marywood, Sister Eugenia served her God and the cause of Catholic education for more than half a century. She enjoyed a wide acquaintance among the nation’s leading educators and school administrators, who respected her ability, her judgement and her accomplishments. Sister Eugenia died last week after 65 years of service to the IHM Order. Her chief beneficiaries will be those fortunate enough to have been taught by her. She will be mourned as well by those who taught with her and under her supervision. Her may achievements at Marywood will serve as a fitting monument to her.
Donate in Sister's memory
Memorial contributions may be made to support the retired Sisters of IHM. Donate online today, or send your donation c/o the Sisters of IHM Retirement Fund, IHM Center, 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18509.