
In Memory

Mother Mary Joseph Shaughnessy, IHM

May 1, 1840 – May 6, 1884

Mother Mary Joseph Shaughnessy, IHM, of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary died on May 6, 1884 at St. Rose’s Convent in Carbondale, Pennsylvania.

She was born on May 1, 1840 in Friendsville, Pennsylvania; and given the name Mary. She entered the IHM Congregation (as part of the first band of women to join the IHM Sisters in Pennsylvania) at St. Joseph’s Convent in Susquehanna and received the religious habit on July 24, 1859, and made profession of her vows on July 13, 1860.

Mother Mary Joseph was appointed the Superior General of the new Scranton IHM by Bishop William O’Hara in 1871 and she served for six years as the Superior General until 1877. She was one of the original 12 IHMs who separated from Reading to go to Scranton at the request of the Bishop.

Mother Mary Joseph also served in child care for residents at St. Patrick’s Orphanage in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Interment will follow the Mass of Christian Burial at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery in Carbondale, Pennsylvania.

Memorial contributions may be made to support the retired IHM Sisters c/o the IHM Sisters Retirement Fund, IHM Center, 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18509.

“As in most cases Saint Joseph’s was nearer than Monroe, many postulants were received at Saint Joseph’s. Soon a novitiate was opened at the latter place. The first reception and profession took place at Saint Joseph’s, July 24, 1859. It was held in the chapel of the convent. The Right Reverend Bishop Neumann presided at the ceremony. He was assisted by Reverend Father O’Reilly, Reverend Father Fox, and Reverend Father Monaghan. The following young ladies received the habit: Miss Mary Shaughnessy, Friendsville, Pa., in religion, Sister Mary Joseph; Miss Mary Hogan, New York, Sister Mary Augustine; Miss Julia Griffin, Mauch Chunk, Pa., Sister M. Agatha; Miss Elizabeth Lappin, New York, Sister M. Teresa; Miss Henrietta Piston, Philadelphia, Sister M. Nepomucene; Miss Elizabeth Flynn, Philadelphia, Sister M. Bernard; Miss Catherine Eishein, Philadelphia, Sister M. Alphonsa. Two novices who had made their novitiate were professed. They were Sister M. Ignatia and Sister M. Clara.”

Excerpted from The Sisters of the I.H.M.: The Story of The Founding of The Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Their Work In The Scranton Diocese by Sister M. Immaculata Gillespie, IHM, P.J. Kenedy & Sons, NY, 1921, p.65

“Mother Joseph, after her retirement from office labored at Saint Patrick’s in West Scranton in caring for the orphans, but her health failing, she was sent to Saint Rose’s, Carbondale, where the end came, and from which place her funeral was held. Right Reverend Bishop O’Hara preached the funeral sermon and Mother Joseph was buried on the convent grounds, close to the shrine of the Sacred Heart. Mother Gonzaga, superior of the Sisters of the Philadelphia Diocese, writing of the death of Mother Joseph to Mother Francis, says: “Mother Joseph has gone before us. God alone
knows how soon we may follow her along the path whence no traveller returns. She possessed some uncommonly good qualities, which in recollecting, I almost envy her. The charity of her conversation with me during my visit, made an indelibly edifying impression on my mind. How happy must be the gathering of so many of our cherished members under the all-protecting mantle of our Immaculate Mother.”

Excerpted from The Sisters of the I.H.M.: The Story of The Founding of The Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Their Work In The Scranton Diocese by Sister M. Immaculata Gillespie, IHM, P.J. Kenedy & Sons, NY, 1921, pgs. 202, 203

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