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Looking “a little harder” this autumn
Summer has departed and autumn is securing her foothold here in the Northern hemisphere. During the month of November when we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, autumn invites us into deeper reflection on a provident God who cares for all creation.
While on the surface it may appear that this is a season of dying and decay, we’re challenged to notice how the cycle of life continues year-round. The lush greening of spring and the colorful blossoming of summer have given way to a subtler and more hidden feast on our land. Native plants that we’ve nurtured through the growing season now offer berries and nuts to our neighbors, the ever-present deer, raccoons, squirrels, and our feathered friends.
Carolyn Flannery, IHM Associate and EarthCARE member, notes that when she’s out walking, she’s amazed that there is always something for animals and birds to eat, even while plants are dying and earth is getting ready for winter. New berries and seeds emerge when it looks as if nothing is abundant. “God is even more gracious and giving to us when things are a struggle,” she observes. “It’s a good reminder to me of how God generously provides for us. Sometimes we, too, have to look a little harder.”
During this autumn season, our EarthCARE committee invites all of us to “look a little harder” for signs of God’s extravagant care here on our land and on whatever paths we may walk in the days ahead. Happy Thanksgiving!