Resources for Circles of Grace


Books about Spirituality and Prayer

Au, Wilkie, and Noreen Cannon. Urgings of the Heart: A Spirituality of Integration.

Bourgeault, Cynthia. Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening.

Cannatto, Judy. Radical Amazement.

Gately, Edwina. Psalms of a Lay Woman.

Kidd, Sue Monk. When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred Questions.

Merrill, Nan. Psalms for Praying.

Nolan, Albert. Jesus Today: A Spirituality of Radical Freedom.

O’Donohue, John. To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings.

Painter, Christine Valters. The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom.

Rolheiser, Ronald. The Holy Longing.

Rupp, Joyce. May I Have This Dance?: An Invitation to Faithful Prayer Throughout the Year.

Rupp, Joyce. Prayers to Sophia.

Swan, Laura. The Forgotten Desert Mothers: Sayings, Lives, and Stories of Early Christian Women.

Wicks, Robert J. Snow Falling on Snow: Themes from the Spiritual Landscape of Robert Wicks

Wiederkehr, Macrina. Seasons of Your Heart.

Books about Jesus

Bourgeault, Cynthia. The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind—A New Perspective on Christ 

and His Message.

Gittens, Anthony. Encountering Jesus: How People Come to Faith and Discover Discipleship.

Gittens, Anthony. Come, Follow Me: The Commandments of Jesus, Invitations to Discipleship.

Rohr, Richard. The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, 

and Believe.

Books about Mary

Athans, Mary Christine. In Quest of the Jewish Mary: The Mother of Jesus in History, Theology, and


Cunneen, Sally. In Search of Mary: The Woman and the Symbol.

Johnson, Elizabeth. Truly Our Sister: A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints.

McBride, Alfred. Images of Mary.

Winter, Miriam Therese. The Gospel According to Mary.

Books about Scripture 

Ferder, Fran. Words Made Flesh: Scripture, Psychology and Human Communication.

Glen, Genevieve. Sauntering Through Scripture.

Johnson, Elizabeth. Abounding in Kindness: Writings for the People of God.

Little Rock Scripture Study. Alive in the Word

Zannoni, Arthur E. Tell Me Your Name: Images of God in the Bible.

Books about Theology and Ministry

Delio, Ilia. Personal Transformation and a New Creation.

Delio, Ilia. The Hours of the Universe: Reflections on God, Science, and the Human Journey.

Johnson, Elizabeth. She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse.

Messer, Donald. A Conspiracy of Goodness: Contemporary Images of Christian Mission.

Messer Donald. Contemporary Images of Christian Ministry.

Pope Francis. Fratelli Tutti: Encyclical on Fraternity and Social Friendship.

Pope Francis. Laudato Si: Praise Be to You: On Care for Our Common Home.

Rohr, Richard. The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation.

Books about IHM Heritage

Enderle, Gilbert Ahr. I Desire to be Everywhere. (Louis Florent Gillet)

Fearon, Nancy. Never Stop Walking: The Life and Spirit of St. Alphonsus Liguori.

Gannon, Margaret. The Life of Mother Theresa Maxis Duchemin.

Gannon, Margaret. Paths of Daring, Deeds of Hope.

Liguori, Alphonsus. The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ.

Liguori, Alphonsus. To Serve Christ Jesus.

Morrow, Diane Batts. Persons of Color and Religious at the Same Time: Oblate Sisters of Providence.

Oppitz, Joseph. The Mystic Who Remembered: The Life and Message of Sister Maria Celeste Crostarosa.

Associate Discipleship Program by Sr. Ann Parker, IHM

Following the General Chapter of 2018, a series of twelve reflections were prepared for use in Associate Circle of Grace gatherings. This consisted of Scripture topics and verses related to the phrases in the Direction Statement. Questions for Faith Sharing were also included in order to delve more deeply into the meaning and significance of this Statement.

Hopefully, at some point, our new 2022-2026 Direction Statement will be a source of additional reflection, discussion, and sharing that will enable us to break open the significance of those inspiring and challenging words as they apply to our lives at this time.

This material is designed to provide another resource related to our IHM Congregation. Disciples and Discipleship are mentioned in our Mission Statement, Charism, and Core Values.

1 - IHM Discipleship Project

2 - IHM Individual Disciples

3 - IHM Community of Disciples

4 - IHM Charism-Mary, First Disciple

5 - IHM Core Value - Rootedness in God

6 - IHM Commitment

Reflections on the 2018-2022 IHM Direction Statement

We commit to re-envisioning how we can best serve the world both now and in the future, in ways true to our charism, deep story, and diverse gifts. We encourage and challenge one another to be leaderful members for the life of the congregation. We ask those called to leadership and service to share this responsibility with the members. Informed by global needs and congregation realities, we will explore the future of our ministerial outreach and corporate structures and commitments, while re-imagining how we might live all aspects of religious life into the future. (IHM Direction Statement)

Sisters Ann Parker, Nancy Elder, and Florence Ann Marino have collaborated in creating an excellent set of materials for our commissioned associates and sisters. These materials provide rich content - they include a series of 12 reflections with discussion questions on our 2018 – 2022 Direction Statement. The inspiration for these reflections comes from Nancy’s weekly blog for our associates, Heart of Spirit. Each reflection focuses on a particular phrase in the direction statement and includes music, Scripture passages, and discussion questions that bring us to new and deeper insights into ways we might live this direction. Ann, Nancy, and Flo have exemplified a generous shared leadership in offering us these reflections. In essence, by this particular contribution, they have once again assumed responsibility for the future life of the congregation. Their work with our associates in their Circles of Grace in North Beach, LaPlata, Gainesville, and St. Petersburg is a long-standing commitment of these women to our associates and the future of IHM presence among us.

1 Reflection Being the Presence of Love to One Another

2 Reflection Prayer and Contemplation

3 Reflection Delve Deeply Into Our Brokenness and Shadow

4 Reflection We Embrace Our Giftedness

5 Reflection We Share a Life

6 Reflection On Fire with the Passion

7 Reflection We Desire to Be In the Midst

8 Reflection Join with Others

9 Reflection Seeing and Being the Light

10 Reflection We Use Imagination

11 Reflection Creativity

12 Reflection Use Fresh Thinking


Web Resources

Bridges to Contemplative Living Series with Thomas Merton, Ave Maria Press

Center for Action and Contemplation, Multiplying Love on Earth. Founded by Richard Rohr


The Contemplative Society – Cynthia Bourgeault


Creighton University Daily Reflections – Online Ministries. Larry Gillick, S.J.>daily 


Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox


EarthBeat: Stories of Climate Crisis, Faith, and Action


Global Sisters Report. “Sisters Speak on Gifts and Pitfalls of Social Media”


Ignatian Spirituality


Maria Schriver Sunday Paper


Maria Shriver: Podcasts of Meaningful Conversations with-maria-shriver/id1448401154


Monasteries of the Heart


On Being: Podcasts, poetry, library, and a Wisdom app


Joyce Rupp. Strengthening the Field of Compassion

Sunflower Seeds: Celebrating Everyday Spirituality by S. Melannie Svaboda, SND


A Network for Gratefulness by Br. David Steindl-Rast

Mining the NOW: Uncovering the Sacred in the Dailiness of Life by Sister Chris Koellhoffer, IHM